11 BIS avenue Jehan de Beauce 28000 CHARTRES 

Siren  890 725 557 RCS

 FR 890 725 567 Tel


These conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by the THARA THAI company whose head office is located at 11 bis avenue Jehan de Beauce 28000 CHARTRES, registered in the Trade Register under number 890725567 RCS hereinafter referred to and managing the site, www.thara-thai.fr On the other hand, by any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase via the website www.thara-thai.fr hereinafter "the buyer". 


  • These conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by the THARA THAI company whose head office is located at 11 bis avenue Jehan de Beauce 28000 CHARTRES, registered in the Trade Register under number 890725567 RCS subsequently referred to and managing the site, www.thara -thai.fr On the other hand, by any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase via the website www.thara-thai.fr hereinafter "the buyer". 
  • The company THARA THAI retains the possibility of modifying these conditions of sale at any time, in order to comply with any new regulations or in order to improve the use of its site. Therefore, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer. 


  • The products offered are those which appear on the website www.thara-thai.fr of the company THARA THAI, within the limits of available stocks. The company THARA THAI reserves the right to modify the assortment of products at any time. Each product presented on the website is sold with a description in the form of a label sticking on each product showing its main technical characteristics. The photographs are as accurate as possible but do not bind the Seller in any way. The sale of the products presented on the site www.thara-thai.fr is intended for all buyers residing in countries which fully authorize the entry into their territory of these products. 


  • The prices appearing on the sheets produced in the internet catalog and are prices in Euros (€) excluding taxes and all taxes included (TTC) taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. Any change in the VAT rate may be passed on to the price of the products. The THARA THAI company reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer. The prices indicated do not include delivery costs, invoiced in addition to the price of the products purchased according to the total amount of the order. In mainland France, the cost of delivery of the products is added to the cost of the purchase of the products and according to a price list indicated when ordering. 


  • Before any order, the buyer must create an account on the site www.thara-thai.fr. The account creation section is accessible directly from the menu bar. At each visit, the buyer, if he wishes to order or consult his account (order status, profile, etc.), must identify himself using this information. The company THARA THAI offers the buyer to order and pay for his products in several stages, with 2 payment options to choose from: 
    Payment by check: the buyer selects the products he wishes to order in the "basket", modifies if necessary (quantities, references, etc.), checks the delivery address or enters a new one. Then, the shipping costs are calculated and submitted to the buyer, the delivery person is chosen by the thara thai company. Then, the buyer chooses the method of payment of his choice: "Payment by check". Finally, the last step offers him to check all the information, read and accept these general conditions of sale by ticking the corresponding box, then invites him to validate his order by clicking on the "Confirm my order" button. This last click forms the final conclusion of the contract. Upon validation, the buyer receives an order form confirming the registration of his order. In order to finalize his payment and trigger the processing of his order, the buyer must print this order form, accompanied by his check made out to "THARA THAI" at the following address: 11 bis avenue Jehan de Beauce 28000 CHARTRES No cash payment should be sent. Only checks issued by a French bank will be accepted. As soon as the check is cashed, the order will be processed and the buyer will be informed by email. The company THARA THAI will ship the products at the earliest 10 working days after cashing the check corresponding to the order, subject to provisions. For massage table orders, the products are sent after the manufacturing time, which is 1 month or more depending on the number of massage tables ordered. 
    Secure payment by credit card: the buyer selects the products he wishes to order in the "basket", modifies if necessary (quantities, references, etc.), checks the delivery address or enters a new one. Then, the shipping costs are calculated and submitted to the buyer, as well as the name of the carrier. Then, the buyer chooses the method of payment of his choice: “Payment by credit card”. The next step offers him to check all the information, read and accept these general conditions of sale by ticking the corresponding box, then invites him to validate his order by clicking on the "Confirm my order" button. Finally, the buyer is redirected to the secure bank card interface in order to securely enter his personal credit card account references. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by credit card is irrevocable. In case 
    D’utilisation frauduleuse de celle-ci, l’acheteur pourra exiger l’annulation du paiement par carte, les sommes versées seront alors recréditées ou restituées. La responsabilité du titulaire d’une carte bancaire n’est pas engagée si le paiement contesté a été prouvé effectuer frauduleusement, à distance, sans utilisation physique de sa carte. Pour obtenir le remboursement du débit frauduleux (les frais bancaires causé par l’utilisation frauduleuse ne peuvent être prises en charge par THARATHAI ) que l’opération a pu engendrer, le porteur de la carte doit contester, par écrit, le prélèvement auprès de sa banque, dans les 70 jours suivant l’opération, voire 120 jours si le contrat le liant à celle-ci le prévoit. Les montants prélevés sont remboursés par la banque dans un délai maximum de trois mois après réception de la contestation écrite formée par le porteur.  La confirmation d’une commande entraîne acceptation des présentes conditions de vente, la reconnaissance d’en avoir parfaite connaissance et la renonciation à se prévaloir de ses propres conditions d’achat. L’ensemble des données fournies et la confirmation enregistrée vaudront preuve de la transaction. Si l’acheteur possède une adresse électronique et s’il l’a renseignée sur son bon de commande, l’entreprise thara thai lui communiquera par courrier électronique la confirmation de l’enregistrement de sa commande. Si l’acheteur souhaite contacter la société THARA THAI il peut le faire soit par courrier à l’adresse suivante : THARA THAI 11 bis avenue Jehan de Beauce 28000 CHARTRES) ; soit par email à l’adresse suivante vincent.cosmetic@gmail.com 


  • The THARA THAI company retains full ownership of the products sold until full payment of the price, in principal, costs and taxes included. 


  • Under Article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of fourteen working days from the delivery of their order to exercise their right of withdrawal and thus return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty, with the exception of the return costs which are the responsibility of the buyer as well as the methods and organization of the return of the products to the address THARA THAI 20 rue Francois Foreau 28110 LUCE. 


  • The sending of any goods, product is made after bank receipt of the sums corresponding to the order and the delivery. Deliveries of products are made to the address indicated on the order form, which can only be in the agreed geographical area. Orders are delivered by MBE CHARTRES or at the choice of THARATHAI. Delivery times are given for information only; if these exceed thirty days (except massage table) from the order, the sales contract may be terminated and the buyer refunded... The professional buyer is delivered to his business or shop, the non-professional buyer will be delivered to a relay point agreed by the deliverer. For a period indicated by the services of the delivery person. The risks associated with transport are the responsibility of the purchaser from the moment the items leave the premises of the THARA THAI company. The purchaser is required to check, in the presence of the deliverer, the condition of the packaging of the goods and their contents upon delivery. In the event of damage during transport, any protest must be made to the carrier within three days of delivery. Cases of delivery for the massage tables, are made to the address indicated on the order form which can only be in the agreed geographical area. Orders are delivered by courier. The goods are delivered as close as possible to the delivery address and subject to the possibility of access by the delivery person. The deliverer is not authorized to enter and deliver the goods in the establishment of the buyer, in the event that he breaks this rule, the deliverer and the buyer will be solely responsible for any damage to the furniture, the delivered goods and any bodily injury to the buyer and the deliverer.  
  • Rules in the event of a dispute relating to massage tables and other products. In the event of imprecise reservations on the part of the buyer, the recipient or the end customer; damaged packaging, unwrapped or broken pallet, etc., no litigation support because this does not presume that the goods are damaged or missing. The reservations indicated on the consignment note at the time of delivery must be precise and reasoned; number of damaged, damaged or missing products, products not corresponding to the order. The report must be made in the presence of the driver, the reservations must be followed by a registered letter with AR and an Email to the address vincent.cosmetic@gmail.com This within 24 hours specifying any non-conformities, missing product, damaged product, this letter or email must be accompanied by photos showing precisely the damage or non-conformity. 
  • En cas de conservation de la marchandise, malgré un litige avère sur la lettre de voiture.  tharathai fixera seul les limite des conditions de règlement du litige. 
  • In case of refusal of the goods due to damage or non-compliance, it must be specified on the consignment note and by email to the address vincent.cosmetic@gmail.com The reasons and reason for refusal. A simple refusal of the goods without reason is not a reason for litigation. In the event of a proven dispute, the damaged, missing or non-compliant products will be exchanged at the exchange of tharathai. 


  • Tous les produits fournis par l’entreprise THARA THAI bénéficient de la garantie légale prévue par les articles 1641 et suivants du Code civil. En cas de non-conformité d’un produit vendu, il pourra être retourné à l’entreprise THARA THAI qui le reprendra, l’échangera où le remboursera. Toutes les réclamations, demandes d’échange ou de remboursement doivent s’effectuer par voie postale à l’adresse suivante THARA THAI  11 bis avenue Jehan de Beauce  28000 CHARTRES dans un délai de trente jours après livraison. 


  • The THARA THAI company in the distance selling process is only bound by an obligation of means. It cannot be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary problems. 


  • All elements of the site www.thara-thai.fr are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of the company THARA THAI No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, or use for any reason whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether in the form of a photo, logo, visual or text. 


  • L’entreprise THARA THAI s’engage à préserver la confidentialité des informations fournies par l’acheteur, qu’il serait amené à transmettre pour l’utilisation de certains services. Toute information le concernant est soumise aux dispositions de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978. A ce titre, l’internaute dispose d’un droit d’accès, de modification et de suppression des informations le concernant. Il peut en faire la demande à tout moment par courrier à l’adresse suivante : THARA THAI sont faites à l’adresse indiquée sur le bon de commande qui ne peut être que dans la zone géographique convenue.  28000 Chartres. 


  • These distance selling conditions are subject to French law. For all disputes or disputes, the competent court will be that of CHARTRES 28000